Get to know Ronnie

Here are some photos and facts about Ronnie so you can get to know her just a little bit better!

Ronnie LOVED to play dress up. She would wear her big sister's clothes and princess dresses but most of all Ronnie loved her sister's ballet outfit. All decked out, she would model, looking at herself in the mirror and say "So Pretty"! She wore animal masks, headbands and silly hats. She loved putting clips in her hair, though, with the little hair that she had, they never stayed put! Ronnie was also named queen of the messes! She loved emptying all the kitchen cupboards and drawers. She would take out each utensil, one by one, listening for the loud sound as they hit the tile floor. She played with strainers and pots and pans, putting them on her head and laughing at her silly hats. Mommy didn't mind, it was all fun for Ronnie and only took a few minutes to clean!

Beyond beauty, Ronnie was SO SO SO smart. By 18 months, she could count and recognize all the numbers 1-10 and she knew almost every colour including the less common ones like black, brown and white. By 2, she knew all the letters in the alphabet and and could match each letter to a picture that began with that letter. Despite not yet being in school, she even asked to recite the ABCs and count in French. BRAVO! She read books by heart and sang every kids music song. She loved "Mother Goose Club" "Cocomelon" and "the Wiggles" and would even add lib, use props and make up her own lyrics! Her favourite time to perform was in the bath, especially if it was a bubble bath, or "white bath" as she called it! She kept us laughing with her silly voice and personality!

Ronnie was a busy little girl who loved outdoor play. Winter, spring, summer or fall, no matter the weather, Ronnie was game! At the park you could find her on the slides, the swing or building castles in the sand. At home she would blow bubbles, colour with chalk and jump on the trampoline. Ronnie was adventurous and not afraid to try new things but she never ran off very far. Unless of course, there was a dog in site. Then she'd be off, as fast as she could, running TOWARDS her best furry friends! She loved wearing rain boots as she jumped in muddy puddles, always with an umbrella in each hand and loved winter rides on her blue sled and rolling around in the snow. The only place you couldn't find Ronnie was sitting nicely at a dinner table. Ronnie had such energy. She would be on the table, under the table, pulling at the table cloth and eating off everyone's plates. Needless to say we couldn't take her to any adult functions!

Ronnie was an animal lover. On our visit to the local zoo, she was happiest just running around, surrounded by the sheep and goats that she could hug, kiss and pet. Watching her bond and interact with the animals was something special! She had to be physically held back from running right behind the animals and into their animal shed! Her family would laugh that we just needed a babysitter to keep her company and she could spend all day in the petting zoo while the rest of us walked around and enjoyed the rest of the sites! Her smile was priceless :) Pure pure JOY!

Most of all Ronnie loved being with her family. Her sister would play pretend with her and bug her by picking her up as Ronnie yelled "Lili STOPPPP". Her brother would hold her hand, cuddle her and read to her.He would do anything to make her happy. We all laughed together as she followed them around and copied everything that they did and said. It was always cuter hearing it in her robotic little voice!

Our dearest Ronnie, 

Mommy, Daddy, Ari and Lielle (and your new baby sister Levana) LOVE YOU, always and forever, and MISS YOU EVERY MINUTE OF EVERYDAY.

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